Specifying a different Oracle Client for Data Pup

If you are running a 32-bit Oracle Client, and need to leave that in place for other applications, these steps will allow you to run Data Pup using a 64-bit Oracle Client located elsewhere.

Step 1 – Download Oracle’s 64-Bit instant client from the Oracle website. The basic client should suffice.

Step 2 – Using a command prompt, extract it to a folder of your choosing. Here I’ve used C:\oracle\ and assume you have downloaded it to your Downloads folder. It should extract your instant client to C:\Oracle\instant_client_19_8.

mkdir C:\oracle
cd oracle
unzip C:\users\your_username\Downloads\instantclient-basic-windows.x64-

Step 3 Optional – do if you use a tnsnames.ora file and/or ldap.ora file. Create a folder under the new client and copy the relevant .ora files into it.

cd \oracle\instant_client_19_8
mkdir network
cd network
copy \path\to\tnsnames.ora .
copy \path\to\ldap.ora .

Step 4 – Go into your Data Pup installation folder, and create a batch file in that folder that will launch Data Pup after setting some Oracle parameters:

cd \"Program Files (x86)\Data Pup"\
notepad datapup.bat

Put the following in the batch file (check the folder name if you download a newer version of instant client):

@echo off
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\instant_client_19_8
set PATH=C:\oracle\instant_client_19_8;%PATH%

Step 4 – Create a shortcut on your desktop to the new batch file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Data Pup\datapup.bat” , and use this to run Data Pup.